First Photo Of Dr. Strange In Iron Man’s Armor with Tony Stark Shared by Marvel’s Writers

Benedict Cumberbatch wore an Iron Man suit in a behind-the-scenes photo from the making of “Infinity War.” It’s been 2 years since “Avengers: Infinity War” was released and we’re still learning new things about the making of the film.

Sunday, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely hosted a watch party of the movie with @Comicbook on Twitter revealing BTS tidbits about the making of the 2018 hit.
It turns out Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) nearly wore an Iron Man suit in an alternate scene from the movie. McFeely shared a never-before-seen behind-the-scenes photo showing Cumberbatch in a partial suit via @Comicbook’s Twitter account.

According to McFeely, Doctor Strange would have worn an Iron Man suit in an alternate version of the rescue scene when Peter Parker and Tony Stark save Strange from Ebony Maw in space.

It was one of a few alternate scenes that were “too awesome and long” to keep in the final film.
McFeely and Markus jokingly referred to the image of Cumberbatch as Iron Strange.

The final version of the film shows Peter and Tony teaming up to save Strange from Ebony Maw by using a tactic from the movie “Aliens.” A hole is blown in the ship to send Maw into space, instantly killing him. It wouldn’t be the first time the characters swapped looks. Robert Downey Jr was previously seen wearing Strange’s famous cloak on set of the film behind the scenes.

Markus and McFeely will be back Monday night at 7 p.m ET along with directors Anthony and Joe Russo live-tweeting along to “Avengers: Endgame” to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the film’s release. All you need to join along is start your stream or copy of the movie at the same time.

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