Saturday, July 27, 2024

Write for us

If you have the skill to write an excellent article or have an idea for or article for GeekTuner then we would like to hear from you. Unfortunately, we cannot offer payment for articles unless we hire you as a casual or permanent writer.

Note: We’re currently only accepting paid posts on our website.

Here are some guidelines that can be used for GeekTuner’s website to help writers in submitting their articles without any issues:

Guest Post Guidelines

  1. Unique Idea: When submitting an article to GeekTuner, it is important to make sure that the topic is unique and has not been covered before. If the topic has already been covered, the article should have new and original insights on the topic.
  2. Avoid Grammatical Errors: GeekTuner is an English site, and as such, it is important to use proper English when writing articles. To avoid rejection, it is essential to ensure that articles are free from grammatical errors.
  3. Focus on Geeky Stuff: GeekTuner is a website for geeks, made by geeks. It covers topics such as articles related to tech, movies, programming, metaverse, etc. The submissions should be how-to guides, tips, tricks, tutorials, reviews, or any other tech-related activity. However, if there is something helpful for tech geeks, developers, or users, the author may write about it.
  4. Interlinking: When submitting an article, it is important to interlink it with old GeekTuner articles. At least 4-5 links to old articles will make the article compelling and help in processing it fast.
  5. Meta Description and Keywords: Before submitting an article, it is important to optimize the Meta Description and Keywords using Yoast WP or RankMath.
  6. Featured Image: The article must have a featured image with the GeekTuner watermark. The size of the image should be 1600 x 800 px.
  7. Image Quality: All image files must be no smaller than 1200px in width. The images must be relevant, and it is advisable to avoid copied images. Instead, create or take images yourself and add the GeekTuner logo watermarks before uploading them.
  8. Original Work: All articles must be original work and not published elsewhere. GeekTuner is strict about plagiarism and will reject any article found to be copied or plagiarized.
  9. Credit Your Sources: All sources used in the article must be credited. This is important to avoid plagiarism and to give credit to the original author.
  10. Author Bio: Only one link in the author bio is allowed. All other links should be generic and resourceful. The author should not link to shady or low-quality sites, as the quality of links is checked before publishing.
  11. Article Length: The article must have a minimum of 1000 words, and it is appreciated when the article is over 1500 words.
  12. Compressed File: If the author cannot submit an article by creating an account, it is important to send the article compressed in a .ZIP file.

Fill in the details below

*Make sure you follow the guidelines mentioned to get your posts approved.

    Please follow the guidelines mentioned above, if not met, GeekTuner has the right to reject your posts. This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed. Any questions? Feel free to contact us .